今回2回目のエアコンクリーニングの依頼でした。テキパキと作業されていました。最後にバケツに溜まった汚れも見せていただき説明もしていただきました。親切な対応ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Goo...今回2回目のエアコンクリーニングの依頼でした。テキパキと作業されていました。最後にバケツに溜まった汚れも見せていただき説明もしていただきました。親切な対応ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
This was my second request for air conditioner cleaning. They were working efficiently. At the end, he showed us the dirt that had accumulated in the bucket and explained it to us. Thank you for your kind response.今日、3度目お世話になりました!お忙しい中、いつもタイミング良く来てくれて、キレイにしていただいて、とても助かっています。短い時間で丁寧に掃除してくださいます。お手入れの方法も教えてくれます! (Tra...今日、3度目お世話になりました!お忙しい中、いつもタイミング良く来てくれて、キレイにしていただいて、とても助かっています。短い時間で丁寧に掃除してくださいます。お手入れの方法も教えてくれます!
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your help for the third time today! Even though I'm busy, you always come in a timely manner and keep me clean, which is very helpful. We will thoroughly clean your room in a short amount of time. They will also tell you how to take care of it!会社が近所にあるということで選びましたが、掃除も丁寧にしていただいたし、エアコンの知識もたくさん教えてくれてすごく為になりました! またお願いします。 (Translated by Google) I chose the company bec...会社が近所にあるということで選びましたが、掃除も丁寧にしていただいたし、エアコンの知識もたくさん教えてくれてすごく為になりました!
(Translated by Google)
I chose the company because it was nearby, and they did a thorough job of cleaning and taught me a lot of knowledge about air conditioners, which was very helpful!
Thank you again.この度は急なご依頼にも関わらず、快くお引き受け下さってありがとうございました。 部屋もキレイになりました。 また機会がありましたら是非よろしくお願いいたします。 (Translated by Google) Thank you very...この度は急なご依頼にも関わらず、快くお引き受け下さってありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you very much for your willingness to accept this request, even though it was a sudden request.
The room was also clean.
I look forward to working with you again if you have the opportunity.昨年に引き続き2度目の依頼でした。 短時間で水回り5点をピカピカにお掃除して頂き、大満足です。 来週は各部屋の換気扇が気になっていたので、お風呂場、脱衣所、トイレのそれぞれの換気扇掃除をお願いしました...昨年に引き続き2度目の依頼でした。
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This was my second request, following last year.
I was very satisfied with the cleanliness of 5 plumbing areas in a short period of time.
Next week, I was concerned about the ventilation fans in each room, so I asked them to clean the ventilation fans in the bathroom, dressing room, and toilet.
Thank you for your continued support.
Today, we asked for 24-hour ventilation in each room and cleaning of the ventilation fans in the changing rooms, toilets, and bathrooms. I spent most of my time without cleaning anywhere, so I was always concerned about it.
Even though there were a lot of areas, they were able to clean them up in a short amount of time. The price was low and I was very satisfied.
Thank you for answering my questions accurately. I hope I can try the method you taught me and keep it in good condition for as long as possible.
Thank you again.ご丁寧にお掃除して下さり、最後はご説明まで頂き大満足です。ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) I was very satisfied with the thorough cleaning and explanation at the end. thank you very...ご丁寧にお掃除して下さり、最後はご説明まで頂き大満足です。ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
I was very satisfied with the thorough cleaning and explanation at the end. thank you very much.今年で3度目です。毎年水回りを綺麗にして頂いてありがとうございます。 お値段もとてもリーズナブルで助かります。 (Translated by Google) This is the third time this year. Thank you for keeping the wate...今年で3度目です。毎年水回りを綺麗にして頂いてありがとうございます。
(Translated by Google)
This is the third time this year. Thank you for keeping the water area clean every year.
The price is also very reasonable and helpful.キッチン周りのクリーニングを依頼させていただきました。とても丁寧でリーズナブルに作業をしていただいてとても満足です。 (Translated by Google) I asked them to clean the area around the kitchen. I am ...キッチン周りのクリーニングを依頼させていただきました。とても丁寧でリーズナブルに作業をしていただいてとても満足です。
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I asked them to clean the area around the kitchen. I am very satisfied with the work that was done in a very thorough and reasonable manner.先日初めてお世話になりました。 いつも年末年始の大掃除が思い通りに進まず、手付かずなところもありで、今年こそは早めに!と思い、ご連絡させて頂きました。もう何年も見て見ぬふりをし続けた外壁とレンジフー...先日初めてお世話になりました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your help for the first time the other day.
Spring cleaning during the year-end and New Year holidays doesn't always go as planned, and there are some areas left untouched, so this year, it's time to do it early! That's why I contacted you. I asked for the exterior wall and range hood, which I had ignored for years.
Our range hood, which has 6 cats, used to be covered in oil and hair, but now it's surprisingly shiny and smooth! I showed them the dirt, and it turned out to be a big deal (lol)
The exterior walls are also difficult to reach, so I was very happy with how clean they were. Thank you for coming out in the heat.
I have nothing to say about his careful work, thorough explanations, personality, and reasonable prices! My husband was also surprised when he came back, and was happy that he didn't have to do much anymore.
My parents' house is getting pretty old, so I'm thinking of asking them to help as well.クチコミがございませんでした。Contact usお気軽にご相談ください